WHAT COMES NEXT for the walking path?
Hi everyone, I've had many questions about what comes next for the community walking path. First, to be very clear, CIP40 - Langley...
WHAT COMES NEXT for the walking path?
UPDATE! City Council removes CIP40 - Langley Parkway Phase 3 - from the Capital Budget
Tonight is the moment!
FOLLOW UP to the June 2nd Budget Hearing. Thank you! Coalition Accountability. IMPORTANT NEXT STEPS!
NEW YARD SIGNS ARE READY FOR PICK UP! (STOP Langley Parkway) Email - concordgreenspace@gmail.com
Separating Purpose & Need - By Leslie Ludtke
YOUR VOICE WILL SAVE THE TRAIL! Testify June 2nd to STOP Langley Parkway. (Yard Signs are IN!)
TOP PRIORITY ACTION! - Show up and be heard at the CITY BUDGET HEARINGS (6/2 & 6/9 5:30pm City Hall)