Hello friends,
A huge THANK YOU to all those who attended the 10/11 City Council meeting on I-93 Expansion. Senator Becky Whitley and Executive Council member Cindy Warmington were in attendance as well. Here is the video from the City Council meeting and notable moments:
Minute 32:30 - Mayor Bouley announces a Public Hearing on I-93 Expansion at the next City Council meeting on November 14th 7-11pm
Minute 33:00 - DOT presents overview of I-93 Plans to City Council
Minute 1.16:02 - Councilor Brown asks about 39 acres of tree clearing, requests current traffic data, and conveys that many Concord residents are against highway expansion
Minute 1.20:00 - Councilor Kretovic expresses her concern that highway expansion will further divide the city and conveys the community’s feeling that Concord is worth getting off the highway for. She brings up the deck park and connectivity.
Minute 1.44:30 - Mayor discusses connection to the river, a deck park feasibility study, and asks DOT if they will work with the city (and the potential feasibility study firm) so that DOT’s project does NOT preclude a deck park or comparable improvement opportunity.
Please email your thoughts to City Council and JOIN US at the November 14th Public Hearing on I-93 expansion! Please RSVP here.
The Concord Greenspace Coalition
Concord Middle School Location & Design 2-Part Community Workshop
On October 26th from 5:30-8pm the Concord Greenspace Coalition will host Part 1 of a two-part community workshop to discuss the middle school location, design, and the latest research on what best supports young learners. Learn more & RSVP here!
Part 1 - October 26th 5:30-8pm
Part 2 - November 16th 6-8pm
City Wide Community Center (14 Canterbury Rd. Concord)
Learn more & RSVP here!
PS. November 2nd - School Board Capital Facilities Meeting on Middle School Project - 5:30-6:30pm (no public comment)
November 3rd 6-8pm
City Wide Community Center (14 Canterbury Rd. Concord)
Agenda: We plan to discuss the mission, scope and pillars of the Concord Greenspace Coalition as well as review project updates.
Please RSVP here.
I-93 Expansion Public Hearing
Be heard on the I-93 Expansion project! Is it right for Concord? Where do you stand? How do you feel about a deck park and river bridge to connect Concord and to gain access to the riverfront? Join us at this critical public hearing!
November 14th 7-11pm
City Chambers - 37 Green Street Concord NH
Please RSVP here.
Central New Hampshire Bike Coalition Biketoberfest
A night of celebrating cycling in New Hampshire!