Attention: At the upcoming City Council meeting on December 11th at 7pm (City Chambers), Councilors will vote on whether or not to spend $10.3 million to build a new Clubhouse at Beaver Meadow Golf Course. Prior to the vote, the Deputy City Finance Manager will give a presentation on the project and Council will hold the final public hearing. If this is an important issue to you, this appears to be your LAST CHANCE to be heard before the council vote.
Specifically, the Council will be voting to approve (must pass by a two-thirds vote) the expenditure of $10.3 million, financed by a bond to be paid off by the City over a future period, currently assumed to be 20 years. This is a large expense for the City Council to approve outside of the annual budget process. This year's budget included a total of $20 million of capital expenditures for all planned projects. This project alone would represent a 50% increase in the capital investment projects approved in the 2023-2024 budget .
To weigh in on the issue, we strongly encourage you to take the following steps in advance of the meeting:
Read the Report describing the process the City took on this project. This lays out the timeline of the project and explains the proposed costs.
Visit the Beaver Meadow Golf Course Clubhouse (1 Beaver Meadow Drive, Concord - off of Sewalls Falls Road) to better understand the proposed project.
Email your sitting City Councilors to share your position and information you’d like to be shared with the public on the issue, and be sure to include (cc) the City Clerk ( by December 10th.
Write your testimony in advance (keep it under 2-3 minutes), and bring a copy so that you can turn it in to the Council.
Show up to testify and plan to stay late. In the last City Council meeting, Mayor Bouley indicated that this will be a long meeting and likely to go well into the night.
Encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same! Civic engagement is critical to a healthy, thriving community.
We expect there to be a robust discussion, and we hope you participate and make your voice heard!
Thank you for your civic engagement!
Concord Greenspace
PHOTO CREDIT -- GEOFF FORESTER -- From Concord Monitor article "Price tag was never a factor when considering a new Beaver Meadow clubhouse" By ERIC RYNSTON-LOBEL